While it may seem eCommerce has evolved to widget status and a one-size-fits-all approach, there are several important requirements for aerospace and military businesses that are unique and integral to translating your sales strategy to an online tool.
1. Meets Traceability Standards
Your customer will want to see industry standards translated to your online marketplace. This means providing a clear path to receipt of required documentation and maintaining lot traceability for parts included in the transaction.
2. Allows for Contract Pricing and Fulfillment
One area where eCommerce distinctly impacts a business’s bottom line is in creating efficiencies in the sales process. As a distributor, allowing your LTA (long-term agreement) customers access to an eCommerce platform reduces man hours and transaction costs, while delivering a high level of customer service, accommodating orders at their convenience at the click of a button.
3. Offers Live Inventory ERP Integration
eCommerce provides buyers instant access to researching parts and placing orders, making it critical to ensure your inventory – across all of your locations – is managed in real-time to appropriately reflect availability. Notifications on inventory changes, triggers on limited quantities or purchases that deplete a specific part from your inventory should all be integrated into your eCommerce platform to ensure you continue to deliver on your customers’ needs and expectations.
Having an online sales strategy is a clear next step for many businesses, but so is being smarter, more effective and more efficient with your bottom line. The team at Aramid Technologies has built an eCommerce platform specifically for the aerospace and military industries that integrates the latest technology with the specific requirements of your sales process. Schedule a demo of our platform at your convenience to learn more about our offerings and the appropriate next step for your business.
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