Digital Certificate Transfer Business Innovations for the Supply Chain Industry
Digital Certificate Transfer Business Innovations for the Supply Chain Industry Imagine if your salespeople, customers, and suppliers could have instant access to the information they need. Right now, this process is time-consuming and error-prone. Do you want to...
SmartCert: Automating the Transfer of Required Documentation
SmartCert: Automating the Transfer of Required Documentation A version of this article first appeared in the 2021 Summer edition of Link Magazine. The pressure to work smarter is forcing companies to move up their timeline for digital advancement. Many will say it’s...
Feeling the pressure to go digital? Here’s a simple way to get started and drive ROI for your business.
Feeling the pressure to go digital? Here’s a simple way to get started and drive ROI for your business. 2020 was a lot of things – most of which we aren’t thankful, grateful or all that happy about. From a personal perspective, we’ve adjusted to working differently...
QR Codes 101
QR Codes 101 Why is it that something designed in the 90’s is now everywhere I look? What exactly is a QR code? The “Quick Response” code was invented by Denso Wave to help identify and label automotive parts. QR codes consist of a number of black squares and dots...